
Handbells are a rich part of our Anglican heritage. They were developed as a means for change ringers of tower bells to practice their changes in the warmth of their living rooms. Now, they are used to ring tunes and to embellish liturgical music and are a beautiful medium for musical expression in worship. Ringing in a bell choir also teaches musicianship and teamwork for youth and adults alike. A bell choir can be intergenerational, bringing youth and adults together, or it can be centered around a particular age group; teens or adults. Generally, church members 8th grade and up succeed best as part of a bell ensemble with a minimum of 12 ringers.

On this page we will share teaching resources, effective ways to procure bells, instructional videos, and Q & A sessions with successful bell directors from around the country.

WHERE TO PURCHASE BELL SETS AND NEEDED BELL EQUIPMENT: (Note: Experience shows that you do not want to purchase less than three octaves of bells.  All good music for handbells has been written for 3-5 octaves of bells and 3 octaves of handbells is a minimum set.)

https://www.handbellworld.com/ Handbell World (Known to many as Jeffer’s Handbell Supply.  If it has to do with handbells, they have it.)

https://www.ebay.com/  You can find quality used sets of handbells on ebay. (Malmark and Schulmerich are the two main manufacturers of handbells in America today.)

https://www.searchtempest.com/  You can search all of Craig’s List all over the nation from this one website.  You can find quality used sets of handbells (Malmark and Schulmerich sets) on Craig’s List. Ask for photos and talk with the seller over the phone so you feel fully confident before making a purchase on Craig’s List.

https://www.malmark.com/   One of the two main manufacturers of new handbells in the U.S.

https://schulmerichbells.com/  Another of the two main manufacturers of handbells in the U.S.